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Module 6 Chapter 18 Assignment 15

Module 6 Chapter 18 Assignment 15

Q Introduction to Soc: Ch 18 Assignment Basics: You are going to read Chapter 18, watch my zoom video on it, and submit two paragraphs via here. Answer these two items: 1. Ch 18:The Future Easy one. Reflect on the past semester and this chapter. What do you predict for 20 years from now? Better? Worse? The same? Many options to consider from race to the environment. 2.Ch18: Theories of Collective Action: Four theories discussed related to collective action. Pick one that connects to you. Talk about why it relates to you.

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20 years from now I see the environment getting way worse than it is right now if we don’t make drastic changes. Our air quality will be horrible and people will be sick everywhere. If we don’t get our insurance coverage more sustainable for low income families then people will continue to die left and right. As far as race goes, I hope that will get better for the profiling and the racial matters but I don’t see it getting better with the way things are going now, it is going to take for something big like the civil war to happen again for us to really open up our eyes and see that everyone is human despite their skin colors.